Teach Your Smile New Tricks: Composite Dental Fillings

If you have ever suffered from dental erosion to the point that a hole has formed in your tooth enamel, this is known as a cavity. In order to protect your mouth against cavities, the decaying material will need to be removed, and a dental filling will need to be placed. One of the most highly effective forms of dental... read more »

Oral Health Care Year in Review: Toothaches

Although toothaches can arise at any time, they are typically caused by tooth infections related to tooth decay, periodontal disease, or cracked teeth. If toothaches are not treated, it can allow numerous oral ailments and eventual pulp death to occur because bacteria will be able to enter the root of a tooth. Thus, it is important to have all toothaches... read more »

Acidity and Its Relation to Dental Erosion

Dental erosion is the process of dangerous substances including harmful acids found in foods and drinks slowly wearing down the tooth enamel present on our teeth for protection. If the erosion remains unchecked, erosion can eventually lead to tooth failure. For more information about acidity and its relation to dental erosion, see below: - Your risk for dental erosion can... read more »

Can Dental Bridges Repair Broken Smiles?

Can dental bridges repair broken smiles? If you have missing teeth or a mouth in need of a tooth restoration, a dental bridge is a great place to start. Although there are other tooth restoration services that can restore a full smile to your mouth, such as dental implants and dental veneers, each one tends to lie on the extremes... read more »

Are You Ready for Your Miracle Smile?

Have you taken good care of your smile for the past few years but would like to give it a cosmetic enhancement? If you are ready for your miracle smile, consider dental veneers to make your teeth look their best. Whether you need a single veneer to correct a minor flaw in a tooth or want to give yourself an... read more »

Quick Teeth Whitening

Using over-the-counter whitening solutions can often leave you wanting for a better, brighter, more appealing smile. These products you buy at grocery stores take a while to work, and they especially won't work if you have deep enamel stains or other problems that stand in the way of keeping your teeth white and perfect as possible. But what if we... read more »

Lumineers and Veneers: Which is Right for You?

Are you unhappy with the appearance of your smile? Do you ever wish there was something you could do to achieve a radiant teeth? If you would like to improve the appearance of your smile, we recommend considering dental veneers and lumineers. These thin shells are especially useful if you have small gaps in your smile or discolored, stained, misshapen,... read more »

Problems Caused By A Dry Mouth

Saliva is an important defender against disease and tooth decay in your mouth. So when saliva flow is stymied because of illness or medication, several problems may develop. Problems Caused By A Dry Mouth If there isn’t enough saliva to neutralize acids, aid with chewing and swallowing, and bring in tooth rebuilding/disease-fighting substances, then problems can develop such as: Increased... read more »