What are Root Canals, Tooth Infections, and Abscesses?

A healthy body has the ability to fight off infections fairly well. However, your teeth are something of an exception. You see, teeth infections typically happen in the center of your tooth, meaning you won’t be able to get antibodies to the infection. In other words, to address a tooth infection, you’ll need root canal therapy. Tooth infections can be... read more »

Do You Have a Cavity?

If you feel pain when you chew your food, or have a tooth that is sensitive to hot and cold, or perhaps a toothache that won’t go away, you may have a cavity in the making. Even with the best of care—daily brushing and flossing and regular dental cleanings--your pearly whites can develop dental caries, or cavities. What are cavities? They... read more »

Your Child’s First Visit

Dentists today generally recommend that you bring your child into the dental office for their first visit by the age of 1 or within 6 months after their first tooth erupts from the gums. When you bring your child in, you can expect that little treatment will be provided. Your child’s first visit is to help your child get associated... read more »