6 Cavity Fighting Tips

The only best way to treat a cavity is to not have one in the first place! To help ensure a bright and healthy smile, remember these basics:     Drink Water: Water rinses away the food particles, acids, and sugars from your teeth and gums. Fluoridated water, available to about 75% of the United States, provides a substance called... read more »

The Players Needed for the Game Plan for a Strong Oral Health

Do you have a game plan for a strong and successful oral health? If so, you need to have the right players (also known as oral hygiene tools) to help you achieve the oral health you’re looking for. To help you know the best, safest, and most effective tools to clean your smile, Dr. Bin H. Park and our dental... read more »

What are Root Canals, Tooth Infections, and Abscesses?

A healthy body has the ability to fight off infections fairly well. However, your teeth are something of an exception. You see, teeth infections typically happen in the center of your tooth, meaning you won’t be able to get antibodies to the infection. In other words, to address a tooth infection, you’ll need root canal therapy. Tooth infections can be... read more »

All You Need to Know About the Different Types of Floss

Do you ever look at the multiple floss options at the store and get a bit overwhelmed and confused? If so, our Bin Park, DDS team is here to help you! Each product has different characteristics that can help you in different ways, and we’re happy to tell you what those are: · Wide floss: Wide floss is a great... read more »